Drug & Alcohol Testing

Drug & Alcohol Testing in Lake Macquarie 

Employee Drug And Alcohol Testing — Safe Industries Group Lake Macquarie NSW

Employee Drug & Alcohol Testing

Apart from equipping your workplace with safety equipment and fire protection systems, you must also ensure your employees are in sound condition for work, minimising the risk of human error and fatal accidents. At Safe Industries Group, our licensed clinical technicians can provide professional drug and alcohol testing for businesses across Lake Macquarie, Newcastle, Mid North Coast and the Manning Valley.

Whether it’s random or organised testing, our team will set up onsite to gain samples and report on results efficiently.  The aim of drug and alcohol testing in the workplace is to ensure that all employees onsite are not impaired by recreational use of drugs or alcohol, facilitating a safer workplace. Depending on the industry you are in, we recommend testing 30% to 50% of staff in the initial 3 to 6 months. Not only is the focus to test the level of recreational drugs present in your workforce, but also to enforce your existing drug and alcohol policies that may be in place. We are guided by and maintain compliance to the following Australian standards: AS 3457, AS 4308 & AS 4760.

All our testing staff are nationally accredited drug screening officers under AS 4308 and AS 4760. Therefore, you can be assured that if any of your staff legally challenge their test results, our procedural methods will stand scrutiny.

We’re available 24/7, so give us a call today.

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Reasons For Testing

We are specialists in the provision of on-site drug and alcohol testing using different types of tests dependent on the situation on hand.

Our team can provide testing for:

  • Random: randomly selecting a group of employees for testing, which can discourage others from consuming drugs or alcohol prior to work. 
  • Post-incident: testing an employee or employees after an accident or an incident that is considered a near miss. 
  • For cause: as a supervisor, you can request certain employees to take a drug and alcohol test if you have concerns due to their behaviour.
  • Pre-employment: testing candidates before they join your organisation, this can help you determine whether they will be a suitable employee.

We frequently provide our services for construction companies and factories, where employee health and safety are considered top priority. Audiometry testing is also available, ensuring employee hearing levels are not damaged over time. 

To schedule a drug and alcohol testing for your business, get in touch with Safe Industries Group today. We will organise a time that suits for your convenience.

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Oral Fluid Testing — Safe Industries Group Lake Macquarie NSW

Types of Testing

Breath Testing

Breath testing is a non-invasive method of testing levels of alcohol in a person’s system. All breath testing is done using Australian Standard (AS 3547) approved breathalysers which are set to measure a person's impairment for work. On average, it takes over 13 hours for alcohol levels to reach zero after the person has stopped drinking, making it an efficient and accurate way of testing. 

Oral Fluid Testing

Oral fluid testing or saliva testing is one of the most common methods of drug testing, and is our preferred method of initial testing. All oral drug tests are set to AS 4760 detection levels ensuring that participants are not suffering any impairment for their usual work duties. If the results are non-negative, a follow up urine test may be required and forwarded to a pathology lab for confirmation.

Urine Testing

Urine can contain traces of drugs for days or even weeks after consumption. If it is decided that urine testing will be the methodology used for initial tests on your site, we are able to provide instant results on the day of testing, we will make sure to provide you with a detailed report for your records. If the results are non-negative, a follow up urine test may be required and forwarded to a pathology lab for confirmation.

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Types of Drugs

The types of drugs we are able to detect includes opiates, cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamines, marijuana and alcohol - refer to above chart for further information. Consumption of these drugs can significantly impact a person’s self-control and ability to make sound decisions—which can increase the chances of accidents and injury in the workplace. To prevent dangerous situations from happening, schedule in a drug and alcohol test today.

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Urine Sample With Reagent Strip For Urinalysis — Safe Industries Group Lake Macquarie NSW

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